Why Businesses And Brands In Uk Register Their Business?


Trademarks serve as business identifiers. They protect the ownership of the tagline, logo, name and other important marks used for identifying a business service or product. All businesses, companies, brands and trademarks in the UK should register their businesses with the National Business register mainly because it serves in the form of a relevant source for getting data on around 10 million UK companies, businesses and brands. Some of the main reasons why it is important to register a business are as follows:

Prompt Notice

Business or trademark registration offers every potential consumer a constructive notice of the ownership of a business. This is probably one of the most compelling reasons behind registering a business. With proper notice, third parties trying to search for similar or identical marks like yours will have a clear idea of the fact that you already own the trademark and are thus put on notice that using a similar or identical trademark like yours might lead to trademark infringement. Therefore, the third parties have to look out for different and new trademarks. Thus, if you register a business in the UK with such notice, it will help in preventing conflicts.

Avoiding Unscrupulous Activities on Social Media

Social media is one of the most important resources for businesses these days. Interested buyers generally make use of the internet and log on to different social media platforms like Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook when it comes to searching for different brand names. Social media platforms have their very own policies for protecting against indecent marketing activities. The instances of people and entities using the brand or the name of another company indecently on the social media websites for the monetary benefit are not uncommon. The complaints about such improper activities on the social media platforms go unnoticed if a businessman does not register a business. This is because the social media administrators ask for proof of business ownership in order to act on these complaints. Business registration offers compelling proof of business ownership.

Loyalty to a Brand

Brand registration shows an obligation to a brand and this commitment is even seen by the customers. Such commitment can help in developing goodwill and this can be priceless for a business.

Cybersquatting can be Avoided Completely

Cybersquatters register the domain names that tend to be similar or identical to the known brands or trademarks of other parties with the objective of selling these domain names to the rightful owners at a very high fee. Acts passed on this subject, allow trademark or registered business owners to collect and sue damages from all those scammers who register domain names that are similar or identical to the names of popular brands or businesses.

Business registration might not prove to be suitable for almost every business. Nevertheless, there are a number of compelling reasons behind protecting a brand just like an individual protects his or her business assets. A trademark serves as the identifier of a business brand and it must be protected with business registration.

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